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4 Common Roadside Violations

trucking companies

Transporting more than $671 billion worth of manufactured and retail goods, it’s no wonder the trucking industry employs more than 8.9 million people across the United States. Most truck driver jobs require drivers to cover 125,000 miles per year, with random inspections along the way. When these inspections happen, drivers must be aware of truck driver requirements to avoid violations and fines.

To help avoid some of the most common mistakes that lead to violations, here are some things all trucking companies should know.

One of the most visible violations is broken lights. The punishment for such a violation is six severity points for each violation. In 2013, of the 2.4 million inspections performed, over a quarter — 28% — had violations involving lights or reflective materials.

To prevent being cited for this violation, drivers should make sure to have extra bulbs and fuses with them. Checking the lights in between trips is also a good preventative measure.

Another quarter of all vehicle infringement are for brakes, with more than one million brake infringement last year alone. As with lights, brakes should be examined before and after each trip. However, drivers should not perform any brake alteration unless fully trained to do so.

To prevent this, ensure that all drivers recognize what to search for and when to get help with their brakes. The best way to discover a brake conformity issue is to precisely monitor the stroke.

Similarly as with lights, worn tires are certain to get you pulled over and investigated. Tread depth is the most common reason. Generally speaking, 11% of vehicle violations are for tires; these have a consequence of eight severity points.

Full service trucking companies should have a maintenance program that incorporates standard tire assessments. This includes pre-trip and post-trip examinations. Drivers need to know how and when to check tire inflation and when it is time for replacement.

The most common violations are “structure and way” and “log not momentum.” They make up one-fourth of all roadside violations, more than any other. A log that is not up-to-date is worth five points.

Trucking companies must educate their drivers about log requirements and when they need to be filled out. In the event that a driver is stopped for inspection, their log must be current with when they began driving. Implement policies that strengthen these requirements so that employees comply.

Whether you are researching how to become a truck driver or looking for trucking companies in Syracuse NY, knowing the above tips will help you become successful in the industry. Too many violations can have negative effects on both a full service trucking company and its drivers. Protect your business and employees with comprehensive training and supplies. Remember, safety is the number one priority.

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