The worst of the pandemic is hopefully behind the United States. As many other countries continue to battle daily the scourge that is the Covid-19 virus, WJW continues to work tirelessly to provide a clean and safe work environment.
From senior leadership to the newest hire, WJW is constantly focused on keeping the workforce and the public safe. During the pandemic we started new sanitization procedures and processes. The result of our intense focus was that we were able to operate without significant Covid outbreaks. We will continue to pursue the same attentiveness and vigilance moving forward!
Here is a giant cheer for everyone that works to keep us safe!

The holidays…what a wonderful time of year where friends and family can get together and enjoy looking back at the year that has passed and begin planning on the year to come. Unfortunately, for the driven sales person looking to continue to finish the year in a strong way, the holidays can be a painful interruption in the flow of business.
Sales is a difficult game. If it was easy everyone would do it. People in sales usually are paid well and those that are able to sell effectively generally will always be welcome or able to find a new home easily. The question is what makes a good sales person. There are enough books available and enough theories to tell us all that there is no magic recipe. Different styles, different techniques and different strategies all can be successful. There are still some truths, though, that are important to keep in mind when thinking of sales.
In the past two days I have had two events that really struck me as something I wanted to emphasize. The first was a walk that I had. As a former athlete I still enjoy trying to be fit and working out as often as possible. That being said, as I age, my body is not always in agreement with the choices I have made. This past weekend I did some exercising that put a great deal of stress on my already bum knee. While still wanting to exercise, but not being able to run, I decided to walk during my son’s soccer practice.
Several years ago I read The Challenger Sales. If you have not heard of it, or if you have and have not read it, I highly suggest picking it up. The book discusses that there are 5 basic sales personalities.
Recently I came across an article that was discussing the sales myths people hold. As I read it I thought they were almost cliched in what they said, but then I realized that clichés generally come about because of their overuse in our daily lives. The cliché is in reality yesterday’s witticism. As I read the myths I thought I would share my thoughts on the ones that provoked me to think.
Last week I had been focused on the thought that my life deserved a better version of me. It is my challenge to begin to embrace how I can be something positive for someone else and live the life God has given me in accordance with what his will would be. I do not want to live a life that is judged solely by the world’s definition of success. Growing up my Mom and Dad kept a framed poem entitled Success by Ralph Waldo Emerson who was a poet and philosopher in the 19th century. The poem is a short one below, but I think of it often and I often think of my Dad when I read it.
Studies have long
shown that there is a connection between our brains interpret the world and how
our body reacts. Psychoneuroimmunology has shown over and over again that
depression weakens the immune system while feelings of happiness can boost the
body’s resistance to illness. What is amazing is that the brain also
reacts to physical stimulus.
If you have ever
seen the movie Glenngary Glen Ross you are very familiar with the ABC’s of
selling. The movie is based on the wonderful play by David Mamet of the
same name. It details the difficult work environment of a real estate company
in New York when the sales people are told that at the end of the day only the
top two sales men would keep their job.
Sales is ultimately about finding a way to help your customer...If you can keep that mindset it is much easier to approach the sale from the proper point of view...
What is it that makes people successful? If only someone would write a book about that subject…just kidding. If you go into any bookstore you can find a wall filled with books to make each of us a more successful person…in our job, in life, at school…the list goes on and on.
Starting in about 2005 we used to have a weekly note sent to
everyone called sales focus. I believe it stopped going out around 2015
when my partner, Dave, started getting sick. While the piece was called Sales Focus,
it could more accurately be described as a weekly business thought. It is
with this in mind we are resurrecting the idea of a weekly sales focus
for WJW. If anyone has a contribution, an idea they want to share or a
thought they think may be useful to everyone, please submit them for consideration! Thank you for taking a moment with us.
Starting in about 2005 we used to have a weekly note sent to
everyone called sales focus. I believe it stopped going out around 2015
when my partner, Dave, started getting sick. While the piece was called Sales Focus,
it could more accurately be described as a weekly business thought. It is
with this in mind we are resurrecting the idea of a weekly sales focus
for WJW. If anyone has a contribution, an idea they want to share or a
thought they think may be useful to everyone, please submit them for consideration! Thank you for taking a moment with us.
What is the difference between being pretty good and pretty
great? That is the question that often times eludes people, organizations
and sports teams...
Since 2005, WJW Associates, LTD has been a partner with Kraton Chemical Corp by providing transportation and warehousing services pick and delivery services between the Panama City Plant and Pensacola Plant going to and from the Marianna, FL Distribution Center. The following is a press announcement from Kraton regarding their efforts to assist the local community of Panama City which was devastated after Hurricane Michael. Members of the community are still without shelter and the basic necessities in many parts of the pan handle as a result of this devastating storm. WJW was proud to assist in these efforts.
As you know, October 10, 2018, Panama City, FL was hit hard by Hurricane
Michael, the third-most intense Atlantic hurricane to make landfall in the U.S.
In two hours, this hurricane devastated Panama City. Since that time the Panama
City Plant has received all kinds of donations from several Kraton locations.
We are very happy to share that our employee’s needs have been met.
Unfortunately, many people in the Panama City area are not as fortunate, and
basic needs are still going unmet. Our local leaders made a decision that we
wanted to help those in our community who are still in need. On January 25,
2019 our Panama City employees donated 10 pallets of life saving materials to
the Panama City Salvation Army. Our partners at WJW Associates agreed to
deliver the items, as a show of their support. In addition to the donation, our
PC employees raised $1,000 through raffles which was also presented to the
Salvation Army.

Top Picture:
Pictured are many of the employees along with our partner Don Williams from WJW
Associates, who delivered the donated products.
Bottom Picture:
Pictured are Plant Manager Mason Faggert (L) and HR Business Partner, Pete
Stanton (R) presenting the check to Major Otis Childs of the Salvation Army. |
WJW is extremely sad to announce the loss of Lorrie Chauncey after her struggle with a rare stomach cancer. Lorrie never stopped being the graceful, humorous and loving lady we have all known. She brought joy to customers and fellow employees alike and never met a person that would not be a friend.
Lorrie was never one to seek the spotlight, yet she was known by everyone that came into contact with the WJW office...and she was universally liked by all. She is no longer in pain, but leaves a grieving set of friends and family that will reunite with her again in heaven.
RIP, are loved and missed! |
As anyone involved in the transportation industry is aware, drivers are definitely hard to find. At WJW, we decided the best way to attract the best drivers is to let them have a path to being a business owner themselves.
Starting June 1, WJW is going to offer a limited number of lease to own tractors for those interested in joining the fleet in the Statesville, NC area. If the initiative proves successful, it will be quickly expanded to help those drivers that want to own their own tractor in greater numbers.
We know that at times, people have issues that affect their credit. For that reason, we are offering to help drivers get the credit they need to finance the purchase of one of our tractors in Statesville, NC via our lease program.
Interested personnel should contact Corie Ho at 904.781.5600 or via email at
WJW is proud to announce that it has entered the North Carolina market by way of an asset purchase of Grady W. Shives Trucking, Inc, on 1 April 2017. Shives is located in Statesville, NC, approximately 45 minutes north of Charlotte on I77.
Shives has been predominately a van carrier in the area, but also servicing machinery manufacturers with double drops, roll-tite flats and steps and open flats. The customer focused culture and strong personnel seemed a perfect fit for the WJW culture. John Woeppel, Vice-President of Operations, stated, “We feel that the North Carolina location is a great opportunity to realize synergies between our current customer base in the NY and Florida Markets. Many of our customers have operations within 50 miles the Statesville terminal. We look forward to continuing to find ways to improve service to these customers.”
WJW is excited to announce the purchase of Grady W. Shives Trucking, Inc in Statesville, NC. The deal was finalized on 31 March with an effective date of 1 April 2017.
WJW had been in discussion with Shives for the past 8 months and signed a purchase agreement in January. The 1 April date, no jokes regarding April Fool’s please, was the culmination of work between Shives and WJW. WJW is pleased that Wayne Shives, the previous owner, will be working as a consultant to assist WJW in the new market.
Shives has been in the NC market since 1966 and has the same standards of integrity and service that helped to make WJW so successful the past 38 years. The new terminal is filled with wonderful professionals that complement WJW and WJW hopes to provide more opportunities for them to grow and prosper.
We want to congratulate our President, Kyle Fresh, and his lovely wife, Jennifer Fresh, for being named Foster Parents of the Year for Kids First of Florida. Kyle and Jennifer have been fostering for the past 3 years and have been the Clay County Foster Parent Mentors the past year. Jennifer and Kyle were presented with their award on Thursday at the annual KFF Foster Parent Appreciation Dinner. In receiving the award, Mr. Fresh said, “We feel humbled because we know that each family that opens their home and heart to these children to make a difference in their lives deserves this award. Thank you to everyone here for the love and support you provide to us and to one another. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful organization and to share God’s love and blessings.”
It is hard to believe that is has been one year since Dave lost his battle with cancer. He was a leader and owner that we were proud to have known during his too brief time here on Earth. While Dave was here, he impacted all of us with his drive, caring and joy. As one of the best friends I have had, he was a great example of a loving and devoted husband, father, and friend. For those that have met Dave, they will forever remember him. He impacted each person in a unique way, but he always impacted them. As a great friend to many, he is missed for his willingness to lend a hand or an ear. If you needed help or advice, he was willing and able to provide both at any time. As a partner, Dianne and I will miss his insights and the dedication he brought to work every day. He was proud of WJW and of the people that make the company what it is. We know that Dave is now in heaven, watching over his sons, Scott and Kyle, and his lovely wife Janice. We all miss him and look forward to that day when we are reunited in heaven as a big, happy family that can laugh and love together again.
You are missed, my friend!
2015 has been a year of ups and downs for the WJW Family. It marked the start of the WJW Renaissance which is the title of our 2015 drive to move from a small, family run business to a more dynamic, growth oriented company that will provide greater opportunities for Associates and customers alike.
WJW is investing in better training, new equipment stronger technology and improved professional development in preparation for dynamic growth driven by our people, process and technology in 2016. While 2015 is the strongest revenue year we have had to date, 2016 will be the year of our strongest growth if we are able to meet the challenging goals we have set for ourselves.
2015 also marked a sad time for the WJW family as we lost one of our principals and an emotional leader of the company. David Scott Misiuta was lost to cancer on June 9, 2015. While Dave is no longer physically with us, his spirit and the legacy of his accomplishments will continue to drive the company for years in the future.